A leading researcher, keynote speaker & best selling author in the fields of exopolitics. Dr. Salla is a forerunner in the push to full disclosure of secret space programs, black budget projects, and the human ET agenda.
These podcasts strive to reveal how this all relates to our past and current Political theater and the future of the human experiment.

A leading researcher, keynote speaker and best selling author in the fields of Exopolitics. Dr. Salla is a forerunner in the push to full disclosure of secret space programs, black budget projects, and the human ET agenda. These podcasts strive to reveal how this all relates to our past and current Political theater and the future of the human experiment.
Stay informed. Visit us at Exopolitics.org | ExopoliticsToday.com and please Like Share and Subscribe.
Morgan Rae Johnson was recruited into a CIA-run Ultra soldier training program from age 5-16, where she was subjected to MK-Ultra mind control and had an alter personality created. As an Ultra soldier, Johnson was able to evade security protocols, skilled in deception techniques, and gather intelligence on any target she was assigned. She describes encounters with a 9ft tall Draco Reptilian, Gray ETs during an abduction, and also a 10 ft tall Mantid ET. At age 18, she joined the US Army and was soon after approached by a USAF officer who recruited her into a secret space program (SSP).
Her SSP induction involved serving three days on the Moon where she signed necessary papers and was given new uniforms. She next served for four years at an officer training facility on Alpha Centauri run by extraterrestrials for the benefit of human soldiers serving in an ET-human alliance. Upon graduation, she served for distinct periods on Venus, Mars, and Saturn. She also recalls missions associated with travel through a Stargate.
Johnson served in two successive “20 and back” tours reaching the rank of Major/Commander before returning to the time and location where her SSP service began. She has written a book, Manipulated Memories (2025), about her experiences and plans to write two more books that share her memories from her two 20 and back programs.
Morgan Rae Johnson’s website is: https://www.morganraejohnsonauthor.com/

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